The Politics Project – Exploring Elections

The Politics Project engaged young Londoners in schools and youth centres in 27 London boroughs. During these sessions, they shared political literacy information regarding the voting-system changes; signposted young people to the voter-registration process; and facilitated activities designed to interest a younger audience. It shared resources with schools in a digestible format, so that the impact of their outreach could continue after the session. they also delivered training to youth practitioners to further cascade information to a wider audience.
Part of this grant activity, the Politics Project team delivered 58 in-person events attended by 6,285 young people. Almost 2,400 registered to vote.
- 85 percent of respondents reported an increased understanding of the democratic system as a result of this project/ activity
- 86 percent of respondents reported that they were ready to use their democratic rights to vote as a result of taking part in this project/ activity
The testimonies below, from teachers, students and support staff, highlight the importance of engaging people from a young age in politics and helping them understand how democracy works:
“I was never interested in politics before … but now I’m more confident that my vote can get heard.”
“It was very helpful and clear to understand. I liked the ‘Making a Decision’ activity and discussing different perspectives and opinions.”
“I didn’t know you could register to vote at 16 before.”
Students at City of London Academy, Shoreditch Park
“Many of the students have asked me when they are going to get the email with the registration details – being very proactive! Really engaging assembly – students told me after they really enjoyed it. Thank you.”
Charlotte Clarke, Teacher, Haggerston School
“A really engaging session. Lots of students registered but more importantly came away feeling far more energised.”
Johnny Dry, Teacher, Saracens High School
“The session was brilliant. I also really appreciated that the session was politically neutral as that helps with our own risk assessments, etc. One of the most successful sessions we’ve had for PSHE this year. Thank you very much!”
S. Balani, Teacher, St Augustine’s Priory School
“Politics is quite a big topic and sometimes isn’t tackled or dealt with in a way which feels attainable or would engage anyone let alone young people. The Politics Project isn’t afraid to have these big conversations in a way which allows young people to navigate and feel comfortable. Thank you so much for attending Caxton Youth Organisation. The delivery of the workshop was done at just the right level and the facilitators are a credit to the organisation.”
Elysse Graves, Youth Support Worker, Caxton Youth Organisation